- 将多个局域网地理位置分散的组织。
- 远程设施的连接:小型办公室,自动取款机,现金等。
- 创建一个安全的专用网络。
- 骨干网和用户设备的高容量。
- 本成本和维护成本的低资。
- 管理QoS服务质量,VPN和VLAN连接组织的可能性。
- 传输数据的安全性。
- 集中远程监控和网络管理的可能性。

为什么InfiNet Wireless设备是适用于大型企业网络?
与个人客户不同,企业客户,作为一项规则,高要求不仅要最大容量,而且它的稳定性。InfiNet Wireless设备都能够满足这些要求,证实了由在世界的各个角落中他们的应用为 最关键的问题解决许多年的成功经验。无论您的员工在哪里,他们始终能够访问关键资源。
现代的统一通信系统可以进一步推动企业的发展,提高关键业务流程的效率。如果在高性能的InfiNet Wireless的形式网络基础设施上数字通信有可靠的支助就将有可能的。我们的单元具有所需的性能以视频会议或IP电话的最快速处理和耐迟延作用的传递信息流的一切,。你与同事的互动将是有效的,令人难以置信的舒适的。
公司自1993年成立以来,InfiNet Wireless公司已经对数百个小型,中型和大型企业帮助,以满足高速上网需求。我们的产品组合是多样化的,从而能够提供最佳的解决方案以小校园网的建设,或公司地理上分布的办事处的联网
- 支助VPN和QoS为透明工会网络的优先最重要的交通能力。
- 一套完整的安全特性。
- •在远距离工作的能力。
- 在未授权的频段工作的能力。

InfiNet Wireless delivers high quality connectivity to Mondelēz International
Mondelēz International Inc. is a major US multinational confectionery, food and beverage conglomerate, employing more than 100,000 people around the world.

Development of a fixed wireless network for ABH Miratorg, using InfiNet’s SkyMAN R5000 solution
ABH Miratorg is one of the leading manufacturers and suppliers of meat in Russia. Because of the high overhead costs and low-bandwidth that the satellite network offered, Miratorg’s management decided to build its own secure network on more reliable radio-based technology.

InfiNet Wireless Helps Wessex Water to Tap into Renewable Communications Technologies
Following a full assessment, of a number of vendor options available on the market, McKelvie Solutions selected InfiNet Wireless’ technology as the optimal solution to meet Wessex Water’s requirements.

InfiNet Wireless helps Pakistan's Khushhali Bank to reach a wider audience in its mission to reduce poverty through Microfinance
Real Solutions acted as the system design authority for the network solution, with the full support of InfiNet's local office in Pakistan, providing complete design, planning and delivery of the entire broadband wireless network.

InfiNet Wireless solve network connectivity challenges for a leading Indonesian mining contractor
The Saptaindra Adaro mining site, located in Tanjung Tabalong in the South Borneo region of Indonesia, is one of the most significant coal mining sites in the area and one of the major economic contributors in the region.

Infinet Wireless Implements Cost Effective Solution To Improve And Accelerate The Supply Chain of Regal Fish Farms
Regal Springs fish farms needed to find a new and cost effective wireless infrastructure which performed better than their current platform, and this had to be done in a short period of time in order to support the company’s fast growth.

Infinet Wireless and Trellisworks Provide High-Speed Ethernet Network Connectivity for Red Funnel Ferries
Red Funnel approached Trellisworks, a UK-based company that specialises in wireless connectivity, IP-CCTV and mobile data routing to find the best fit solution, one that is future proof and scalable

High capacity connectivity for the Kazakhstan Railway Network
Infinet Wireless, in joint partnership with the local systems integrator KRIS-Service, has successfully implemented a state-of-the-art Train-to-Ground infrastructure which provides a high capacity Internet connectivity on board passenger and cargo trains in Kazakhstan.

Infinet Wireless offers a cost-effective solution and improves connectivity for AxURE Technology’s network across oil fields in Colombia
Colombia, situated in the northwest of South America, is the fourth largest economy in Latin America.

Infinet Wireless helps AOT to improve connectivity in Thai Airports
Airports of Thailand plc (AOT) is the governing body of Thailand’s six international airports and is responsible for the upkeep, management and development of these airports.

Updating SAPAL’s network infrastructure and last mile links to improve connectivity and capacity

Upgrading existing wireless infrastructure for salt suppliers from the mainland to the coast of Mexico

Infinet Wireless helps to improve health and care services in Cartagena de Indias
Infinet Wireless solutions replaced a wireless platform which suffered from major delays, data transfer and exchange, however, with the implementation of the new Infinet equipment, greater operational efficiency was achieved as well as service optimization.

Infinet Wireless provides Oman’s largest local bank with reliable connectivity for everyday banking services
To address the issues faced by NBO, Infinet Wireless deployed a Point-to-Point (P2P) solution in Muscat over distances between 5 and 10 kilometres.

Infinet Wireless solutions are part of Mundo Imperial’s Autocinema Acapulco, the largest Mexico’s drive-in
The ongoing pandemic has been a catalyst for change in both business and the leisure industry. Companies have had to reinvent themselves, transforming their economic, social and entertainment activities entirely. For this reason, Administradora Pacífico Imperial has created a new entertainment space in Mexico, the Autocinema Acapulco Mundo Imperial. Now Mexico’s largest drive-in, it features wireless connectivity from Infinet Wireless point-to-point solutions.

Infinet Wireless solutions chosen for backing up important data by Muscat Overseas Group

Acclaimed Omani medical company IBN Sina Pharmacy LLC selects Infinet Wireless solutions to seamlessly connect its vital institutions
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