- Application Notes
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- 连接企业和政府客户。
- 连接贵宾客户。
该组织«最后一公里» 和 «最后一次之前的一公里»
- 运输网络,为街道和工业无线网络。
- 居住区连接。
- 远程定居点连接。
- 本成本和维护成本的低资。
- QoS支助为可靠的传输时延敏感型业务。
- 高级别控制,由于网络的集中监控和远程控制设备的可能性。
- 高频谱效率,允许可用频率资源的最佳利用。

多次获奖的InfiNet Wireless无线路由器帮助通信服务提供商打造高性能,高可靠性和可扩展性的网络。
InfiNet Wireless设备展示了巨大的效率对于“点对点”和“点对多点“拓扑。可供利用的频带(3.4 - 3.7GHz和4.9至6.4 GHz)使它适用于各种条件。
我们提供理想的选项,在您无线网络上的InfiNet Wireless设 备利用让您得到最有效价值为你的网络。这种是交换和路由,防火墙,NAT,隧道,频谱分析仪,DHCP,VRRP,VLAN等等。
InfiNet Wireless产品产生的无线网络供应商可靠的网络基础设施
300多个互联网服务供应商在35个国家使用InfiNet Wireless设备以基础设施,为客户提供上网速度快,可靠的通信和“最后一公里”。我们是由最大的互联网服务提供商,在俄罗斯,中国,印度,美国,西班牙,意大利,英国和马来西亚等国的信任。
InfiNet Wireless设备可以用于在人口稠密的城市地区主渠道和渠道的蜂窝和微蜂窝网络的建设。
- 宽覆盖,高带宽
- 提供给操作员的高利用率频率资源。
- 可靠性和灵活性。
- 与运营商的基础设施的无缝集成。
- QoS的支助为类别Triple Play的服务。

Religious organization Abode «MONSEGUR» Orthodox Church of the Theotokos
Using Wireless Broadband and the Internet to reach the technology generation congregation

Construction of a transport radio network using InfiNet’s R 5000 to create a stationary automatic radio electronic control system
The National Radio Association aims to unite the efforts of both operators of telecommunications systems and manufacturers of telecommunications and radio engineering equipment that work in the Russian market and abroad.

Sevenet has significantly improved its network infrastructure and customer communication
Sevenet is a local ISP located in Slovakia.


FBWA backbone network in the Baikal region
LLC "IRSN" - the largest Internet provider to the Irkutsk region, provides communication services to government, corporate and private clients.

Saxony, Germany: Breitbandnetz-Sachsen uses InfiNet Wireless to Deliver World - Class Wireless Local Loop
Following a set of successful trials, NU and Breitbandnetz-Sachsen decided on the InfiNet Wireless range of point-to-multipoint products as the solution of choice for its local loop wireless MAN (Metropolitan Access Network) deployments.

Tamer Group Meets Bandwidth and Connectivity Requirements of Rapidly Growing Branch Network with Infinet Wireless
Working with United Horizons, InfiNet’s partner in Saudi Arabia, Tamer Group conducted a POC at just one of the sites.

Radio Teknoloji Hizmetleri A.Ş. and InfiNet Wireless Beat Challenging Conditions to bring Connectivity
Radio Teknoloji Hizmetleri A.Ş. has a lot of experience in wireless network
solutions and distribute InfiNet Wireless equipment in Turkey. They
handled planning and design for Bida Teknoloji projects, comparing the
various equipment options available from major wireless providers.

Connect Selects Infinet Wireless as Platform for Growth
Connect is a pioneer in bringing the latest wireless broadband platforms to Lebanon, providing state-of-the-art Internet and Intranet services to corporations of all types and sizes. Connect delivers an extensive service portfolio that comprises Virtual Private LAN Services (VPLS), high quality wireless broadband access as well as data centres and hosting solutions to end users located across Lebanon.

Staying connected on the slopes
InfiNet Wireless and Servired Chile improve network access across Valle Nevado Park

Broadcast Breakthrough: World Cup Final screening successfully delivered to Estonia thanks to Infinet Wireless
STV is replacing its obsolete infrastructure with a reliable platform from InfiNet Wireless to take its service offering to the next level

Diamond-rich capital of Eastern Sierra Leone deploys InfiNet's wireless solutions to provide high-speeds to enterprise networks
InfiNet Wireless helped to create a reliable backbone network to increase capacity and deliver faster wireless connectivity

Infinet Wireless makes city-like speeds a reality in Turkish town
Pursaklar is one of the oldest towns in the Ankara province, the cosmopolitan capital of Turkey. Self-proclaimed as the ‘City of Smiles’, Pursaklar dates back to 1463 and is home to around 142,000 people.

Muscat Pharmacy & Stores LLC Selects InfiNet Wireless for its High Bandwidth Connectivity
With its history dating back to 1968, Muscat Pharmacy & Stores LLC (Muscat Pharmacy) was the first pharmacy to be established in the Sultanate of Oman.

NetSol CONNECT Partners with Infinet Wireless to Deploy High-Bandwidth, Reliable Networks Across Pakistan
From its inception, NetSol CONNECT has been committed to building a robust connectivity network across its home-country of Pakistan.

Infinet Wireless improves communication capabilities for Mexico-based MetroCarrier with solar-powered wireless network
The Mexican company has implemented communication solutions in the telephony and Internet markets, improving the global connectivity processes of their customers, including services such as personal internet.

From the mountains to the city – providing connectivity across Pakistan
From the mountainous regions in the north of the country, oil and gas deployments in challenging conditions, to its densely populated cities, Pakistan had proven to be a difficult place to provide high-quality internet connectivity before Infinet Wireless set up a partnership with Comstar.

Infinet Wireless solutions are integrated by a major international telecommunications company
Gtd Colombia offers IT services throughout the country, providing high availability of Internet, data transmission, DataCenter, IP telephony, and WiFi networks for public access, business and Telepresence.

Infinet Wireless teams up with E-saudi to connect Qassim University’s 38 campuses
With more than 50,000 students and more than 7,000+ staff, connecting the Qassim University, in Saudi Arabia, presented a significant challenge. That is why Electronic Saudi Networks (e-Saudi) recruited the help of its local partner Infinet Wireless to deliver a brand-new wireless infrastructure which could meet the demands of Qassim University’s vast number of students and staff.

Indonesia’s biggest cellular operator, Telkomsel, chooses Infinet Wireless Solutions to provide better connectivity, establishing a 180 km link in challenging terrain
Telekomunikasi Selular, known by the trade name Telkomsel, is one of the biggest cellular telecommunication operators in Indonesia and the sixth largest operator in the world.

Infinet Wireless PtP solutions used to interconnect the Coca-Cola Bottling Company offices in Egypt
Infinet Wireless solution H/W along with the design and support by NextGen Communications succeeded to bring the magical blend of quality and cost effective BWA solution that tackled all our requirements and met our expectations for the connectivity between our HQ and branches across the whole country.
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