NCE Srl. is a company which specialises in the fields of computer security, network infrastructure design and technology-related consultancy services. The company is headquartered in Valverde, Italy and provides the B2B and B2C business sector with a number of technology services but in particular with a focus on ICT solutions and training support to help improve the efficiency and productivity of their customers’ infrastructure.
To support their ongoing operations, NCE identified the need for a high performance, long-range wireless link to connect together two of their corporate sites, some 65 km distant from each other. The link needed be able to transport real-time, bandwidth-intensive multimedia data streams across a line-of-sight (LOS) configuration, as well offering load-balancing and redundant link protection through a separate lower capacity link with automatic failover. In addition, the link needed to be capable of supporting standard Layer2+ features such as VLAN support, IP Routing and QOS, with the main link acting as a connection between two Cisco LAN/WAN switches supporting rapid STP (SpanningTree Protocol).
NEC Srl是一个在计算机安全,网络设计和技术相关的顾问服务的公司,公司总部位于意大利瓦尔韦尔德是专门从事B2B和B2C业务以及大量的其它技术服务,但却注重于信息与通信技术解决方案并提供培训支持来提升客户方架构的有效性和产能.
作为外向型的业务支持,NCE, 确定采用一种性能表现卓越,长距离的无线链路将该公司的两个办公地址连接,两地相距65公里.要求链路能够在视距下传输实时的对带宽敏感的多重业务流,不 同的低带宽链路支持负载匀衡和自动链路备份.此外,链路必须兼容并支持标准的网络二层以上网络层特性如支持虚拟局域网,ip路由和服务质量,主链路的连接 必须如思科的局域网/广域网交换机一样支持快速生成树(生成树协议)
- 65公里视距条件下传输可靠的高带宽无线链路;
- 链路中能够传输实时的多重IP业务;
- 在射频泛滥频谱资源匮乏的情况下依然可以提供30兆的可用带宽.
- InfiLINK 2x2系列多入多出;
- 2 x R5000-Om 200毫瓦外置天线骨干等组成.
- 超过65公里达到不低于(50兆)的高容量;
- 软件规划频谱资源几乎没有频谱的浪费允许灵活的部署和可升级的特性;
- 高可靠性和频谱资源的有效利用;
- 穿越思科的网络支持所有2层以上的网络层(IP路由,服务质量,虚拟局域网和快速生成树).